Structural Steel EN 10025-3 S460N Sheet Plates Suppliers,Structural Steel EN 10025-3 S460N Sheet Plates Stockist.
Structural Steel EN 10025-3 S460N Sheet Plates Suppliers in India, Structural Steel EN 10025-3 S460N Sheet Plates Stockist in India.
Structural Steel EN 10025-3 S460N Sheet Plates Stockist &Suppliers,Structural Steel EN 10025-3 S460N Sheet Plates Stockist & Suppliers in India.
EN 10025-3 S460N|S460N steel plate
C | Si | Mn | Ni | P | S | Cr | Mo |
max 0.22 |
max 0.65 |
0.95 - 1.8 |
max 0.85 |
ma 0.035 |
max 0.03 |
max 0.35 |
max 0.13 |
V | Nb | Ti |
max 0.22 |
max 0.06 |
max 0.06 |
Mechanical properties of grade S460N (1.8901)
Temperature | -20 | -10 | 0 | 20 |
Notch impact test. Min. absorbed energy |
40 |
43 |
47 |
55 |
Nominal thickness (mm) | to 16 | 16 - 40 | 40 - 63 | 63 - 80 | 80 - 100 | 100 - 150 | 150 - 200 |
ReH - Minimum yield strength (MPa) |
460 |
440 |
430 |
410 |
400 |
380 |
370 |
Nominal thickness (mm) | to 100 | 100 - 200 |
Rm -Tensile strength (MPa) |
540 to 720 |
530 to 710 |
Nominal thickness (mm) | to 16 | 16 - 40 | 40 - 63 | 63 - 80 | 80 - 200 |
A - Minimum elongation Lo = 5,65 √ So (%) |
17 |
17 |
17 |
17 |
17 |
Equivalent grades of grade S460N (1.8901)
Germany DIN,WNr | France AFNOR | England BS | Italy UNI | China GB | Russia GOST |
StE460 |
E 460 R |
Fe E 460 KG N |
Focus Countries:
Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Srilanka , Saudi Arabia, Oman,Qatar,Kazakhstan,Turkmenistan,Jordon,Dubai,Italy,Germany,Turkey,Egypt,Australia, Nigeria,niger,Algeria,Namibia,Iran,Bahrain,Peru,Chile,USA,southAfrica,Kenya,Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Indonesia,Thailand, Bangkok,UK,Australia, NewZealand,Poland,Finland, Brazil,Angola.